Compliments and Complaints

At Whole Hearted Kids, we love to receive feedback. You are welcome to contact us with questions, comments or concerns in any of the following ways:

Email (at any time):

Phone or SMS (Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm): 0409 425 993

Direct Message us on Facebook (anytime):

Our Understanding of a Complaint: A complaint is an expression of concern, frustration or dissatisfaction with the quality or delivery of a service you have received or the conduct of our staff.

Who Can make a Complaint? Any person can make a complaint. It helps us if you can provide specific details of the incident including dates, location and those involved.

What Happens When a Complaint is Made?

We will consider your complaint seriously, fairly and respectfully. Your confidentiality will be maintained at all times. Any feedback you give will in no way jeaopardise the services you chose to continue receiving from us.

What’s the Timeline?

We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 3 business days and our commitment is to investigate thoroughly. You will receive a response to your complaint within 10 business days. We may want to contact you to ask more questions and clarify more details during this time.

What will I Receive?

You will always receive a response in writing (via email if you have provided us your email address). We will aim to be objective and provide you with a clear, understandable response addressing your concerns.

What if I’m still Not Happy?

If you are not happy with our response, you are welcome to contact an external organisation:

NDIS Commission

You can email them on or call them on 1800 035 544. You can find more information here:

AHPRA (Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency): or 1300 419 495

If you are not happy with the outcome or your complaint, you can seek assistance from the Commonwealth Ombudsman on 1300 362 072. You can find more information here: or 1300 133 646



At Whole Hearted Kids, we care about safety.

Our clinicians must:

•       Maintain required registration through Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). This includes a working with children check.

•       Hold a valid Australian Driver’s License

•       Maintain appropriate level of Professional Indemnity Insurance

•       Commit to ongoing Professional Development, to help ensure quality evidence based practise

•       Abide by our relevant profession’s Code of Ethics for Registered Health Professionals

•       Abide by the NDIS Code of Conduct

•       Gain informed consent from the client and their family through effective communication

•       Consider the interests and well-being of the child first

•       Connect with and engage with other care providers involved in the care of the child

•       Follow all Whole Hearted Kids policies, procedures and workplace instructions

•       Participate in regular clinical supervision